Skagit Valley Above Rubies Family Camp August 10-12th 2012

"Blessed is the man that heareth me, watching daily at my gates, waiting at the posts of my doors."Proverbs 8:34

Retreat FAQ

What is the purpose of this retreat and the Above Rubies Ministry?

Above Rubies is a ministry to encourage women in their high calling as wives, mothers, and homemakers. Its’ purpose is to uphold and strengthen family life and to raise the standard of God’s truth in the nation. The name has been chosen from Proverbs 31.10 AMP, “A capable, intelligent and virtuous woman, who is he who can find her? She is far more precious than jewels and her value is far Above Rubies or pearls.”

The Skagit Valley Above Rubies Family Camp is to further extend the ministry of Above Rubies, reaching families throughout the state of Washington (or from anywhere are welcome), who would like to hear Colin and Nancy Campbell in person, to learn and strengthen their families in the Lord, and meet other families who have a desire to do the same.

Who are Colin and Nancy Campbell?

Please see the Campbell ‘s bio at

How do I register to attend the retreat?

To register, go to, there you will find all the information you need to register.  From there,  you can print and mail the registration form along with your payment.  Another option would be to email the registration form to and use Paypal to make your payment.  Keep in mind, there is a small fee to use the Paypal service. Mail your payment to:

Meighan Graham

24880 Brotherhood Rd #D

Mt. Vernon, WA  98274

When is the deadline to register for the retreat?

July 28th 2012 is the date to ensure that you have lodging space and meals provided for the weekend. We will continue to accept registrations after this point, but please understand we are at the mercy of the camp allowing us more lodging and meals since we did not commit to them on our contract. Technically, we don’t have a deadline to register for the retreat, but due to the logistics of planning a retreat with a large number of people, it is easier for the planning committee, if your registration is postmarked by July 28th.

What does the conference fee cover?

There are four choices when registering for this year’s retreat. All retreat options will include use of the conference hall, meals, airfare for Nancy, transportation for her, and fees associated with putting the retreat together.

What is the weekend schedule?

The event schedule will be available on the main home page when completed.  Please check soon.

Can I get a refund if I have to cancel?

Prior to July 20th, there will be a full refund.

July 21 to August 1, you receive 1/2 your payment back.

After August 1st, no refund.


Will there be any optional sessions or other speakers?

Many come to the retreat with expectations of free time, fellowship, and learning new things.  Families may  choose to hike, swim, play a sport, fellowship with friends or just have down time.  Instead of additional speakers, we have planned for  families to have this luxury of pure family time.   The schedule will reflect all of the events at the retreat.

Will there be anyone else selling items?

No, the only things on display or for sale will be the book table for Above Rubies.

I am interested in purchasing a few of the Above Rubies Bible study courses. Will I be able to purchase them there? What are my payment options?

Short answer: Yes. Long answer: There is usually a variety of written books and studies, DVDs, and CDs, Evangeline’s past discussion topics, Serene and Pearls music CD’s, and Serene’s recipe book, teaching CDs, and DVDs.  Cash, checks, and credit cards (Master Card, Visa, & Discover) will all be accepted at the book table.

What are the lodges like?

Please go to : to view the pictures. For dorm lodging, you must bring your own linens (sheets, blankets, pillows, pillow cases, and towels).  Linens are provided for motel style lodging.

What items should I bring?

Personal Items: You will need typical personal things such as clothing, shoes, toiletries, etc.

Linens: **Dorm style lodging only-You will need all linens (sheets, pillow, pillow case, washcloths, bath towels, etc).

Note taking supplies: Bible, pen, highlighters, paper, and anything else to take notes. A few pages for notes will be provided in your folder.

Baby equipment: For those bringing little ones don’t forget items such as your sling, blanket for the floor, port-a-crib, exersaucer, side rail for bed (for co-sleeping, if needed), highchair, booster seat (these can be left in the dining hall for ease), Boppy, Bumbo, and QUIET toys for baby / toddler play area in the auditorium. Please be advised the auditorium where we will be meeting is not carpeted, it is a concrete floor.

Miscellaneous items: flashlight, hiking boots/shoes, umbrella, mosquito repellent, camera, scrapbooks to show others, sweater in case it is too cool for you in the auditorium, etc. and ANYTHING you might need for free time.

Extra money in order to purchase any books, study manuals, cassettes, etc. offered on the Above Rubies book table.  We will also have a love offering (see question about love offering to plan accordingly).

Snacks: To ensure your dietary needs are met, you should bring easy snacks for you and those attending with you. However, since we have many pregnant women and small children,we are asking everyone to bring a healthy finger food/snack to share. We will provide cups, plates, and napkins, but no utensils so please bring a finger food that is easy to eat and does not require any utensils to eat or cut up.

There will be bottled water provided.

Will you be taking up a Love offering?

Yes, on Saturday, we will be taking up an offering for Nancy.  She does not charge any speaking fees and collects no salary through Above Rubies. Her ministry is funded through donations. Please pray with and talk to your husband and consider what the Lord might have your family give. The book table volunteers can also accept donations for them at any time. Please be prepared to write separate checks for the three ministries represented.

  • Donations for Colin and Nancy Campbell for their living expenses are to be made payable to: Nancy Campbell.
  • Donations for the furthering of Serene and Pearl’s music ministry are to be made payable to : Pearl Barrett.
  • Donations for the publishing of Above Rubies magazines are to be made payable to: Above Rubies.

What is the Above Rubies free magazine and how do I subscribe?

The vital role of this amazing publication and ministry is in the encouragement and support of marriage, motherhood and family life in America and throughout the world. For 30 years Nancy Campbell has been publishing the Above Rubies Magazine, as an unpaid labor of love, supported by a very small band of dedicated volunteers.  Above Rubies is definitely a major international ministry, reaching and playing a crucial role in over 100 countries of the world. The magazine currently circulates over 128,000 copies worldwide – and if 128,000 are being distributed, readership is more like half a million!

A 501(c)3 non-profit organization, the Above Rubies Ministry is more than just a magazine. Nancy Campbell answers literally thousands of letters that pour in each year, as well as speaking at family camps, women’s retreats, and preparing teaching materials and manuals.

To subscribe, go to

Is there any childcare provided?

Sorry, there will be no child care provided.  The men’s and women’s sessions will be alternating to be sure the children are taken care of.

6 responses to “Retreat FAQ

  1. in NOT of says:

    Is there a schedule for the weekend? What time do the events start each day? (I will be commuting and need to make arrangements for my children, so I need to know the specific times) Thanks so much!

    • rubiesmomma says:

      Hi there,

      There isn’t a schedule put together yet, generally speaking they start around 6:30pm on Friday and 9am for Saturday and Sunday. I will be working on the schedule soon and will be posting it on the blog when it is ready. I apologize that it is not a specific time yet, but soon. So glad you are coming:)

  2. Melissa Dykstra says:

    I think that there has been a bit of a typo. It says that the registration due date in in September for the retreat in August. You might want to change that : )

    I’m looking forward to it! Thank you for all of your work. It is such a blessing.

  3. Ilsa Higgins says:

    I am new to this family retreat. I am wondering if there are fun things for the families to do between sessions, i.e. ball games, swimming, hiking, etc. Thanks!

    • rubiesmomma says:

      Hi there,

      There will be plenty of opportunities for good family time. The retreat grounds is over 200 acres, it is filled with trails and places to explore. There is also a volleyball net, soccer field, farm animals to visit and plenty of room to start up a ball game. I am leaning toward not scheduling too many events for the families, as some might need the down time that they have between sessions. However, there is quite a bit of opportunities available for fun!

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